Friday, August 14, 2020

No Longer Caring?


Arthur Koestler wrote that after the nonaggression pact, he no longer cared whether Hitler’s allies called him a counterrevolutionary.   We may be  getting to a point where many people in this country decide they no longer care whether the allies of America hating looters and arsonists call them racists. It would be a good thing,  That trick and threat of the left has provided cover for a lot of wrong thinking, false claims, and bad actions.

We have scoundrels preaching that individualism, rationality and objectivity, a belief in hard work, self reliance, planning for the future, civility, and respect for the property of others are “white male” traits, inappropriate for and deleterious to non- whites and getting their actual racist nonsense accepted in surprising places including the Smithsonian. We have “educators” indoctrinating  white children to feel guilty because of their race. We have attacks on people such as Thomas Jefferson, when in fact Jefferson is honored for his achievements and his ideas and principles, not for his failures to live up to them.  We have demands for reparations to black people for slavery  which have  no more sense or justification than would an ultimatum  from today’s Englishmen to Italians for a payoff for Caesar’s conquest. We have assertions of white privilege and systematic anti-black racism when the main systems  in government,  education,  and corporations  are explicitly structured  for black privilege through affirmative action quotas, lower admission standards, contract set asides, and so on.

Most important we have a pervasive attempt to make white Americans accept undeserved guilt.  The leftists want to make people feel guilty to make them easier to rule. That is the game, and people need to refuse to play it.  No one alive today had anything to do with slavery. No one under the age of seventy eight could have voted for the politicians who supported and protected Jim Crow laws before they were abolished in 1964. There are anti-black (and anti-Asian, anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-Hispanic, and other) bigots and racists in the country. Most white people are not among them. There should be  no reason for any innocent person to accept a clearly false accusation, feel a need to refute it, or even become uneasy because of it. Instead people should stop caring what present day despicable and dishonest enemies of a liberal society say about them and either ignore it or tell them to go to hell  - or a polite equivalent of course.

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