Thursday, July 02, 2020

Spontaneous and About Bad Cops?

The consensus of people in the traditional media has  been that the  recent demonstrations and riots were  spontaneous outbursts triggered by the killing of George Floyd and a desire to make police behave better, and that the many attempts to damage, desecrate, or destroy statues and monuments  were the same.   Of course as others have pointed out, it is hard to see what statues of Columbus, Thomas Jefferson,  Abraham Lincoln, or Robert Gould Shaw have to do with brutal or bigoted cops, but that was the story being told.   It is also hard to see what looting or burning down stores, assaulting and sometimes murdering people, or creating a secessionist mini-Confederacy in Seattle did to aid the cause of requiring police to behave, but that also was the story being told.

It is hard to take the  sanitizing stories about the motives of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and their hangers on seriously.  Many individual demonstrators may have been sincerely focused on making the police behave better and more fairly. Many individual rioters may have been ordinary hoodlums  taking advantage of  the chaos  to steal something, smash something, or burn something down. However it is fairly clear that the organized hard leftists were interested less in George Floyd or reining in bad cops than in anti-American, pro-Marxist agitprop – with Floyd (who certainly deserved better) as their convenient, cynically selected Horst Wessel of the moment.  The stuff with the monuments illustrates this very well.  Or one can take the  trouble to go BLM’s web site. They make their objectives pretty clear.

There are reasons for  doubting  the other part of the conventional view – the  notion the events were spontaneous.  One does not have to be a conspiracy enthusiast to have noticed that there were a lot of very similar things, with very similar patterns of behavior happening very quickly in many different places when the trouble began. There was more than a whiff of planning  and organization in what happened. Some conservatives have suggested the whole thing was a putsch organized and paid for by George Soros. Of course these days you can find people blaming just about anything they don’t like on  Soros,  Koch, or sometimes both, often without evidence.  Still BLM and Antifa are not living off tithes from their members’ day jobs. Somebody is paying, and the somebody or somebodies are not friends of the United States or of a free and liberal society.  I have seen no evidence that foreign governments are involved, but if the Chinese foreign intelligence service is not helping BLM and  Antifa, Chairman Xi should fire its director. It is an interesting question and one that probably will be left untouched by people in the traditional media but perhaps looked into by someone else.

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