Black Lives and BLM
At a time when politicians, corporate CEOs, and just about everyone in the traditional are
falling all over themselves pledging allegiance, loyalty, fealty, and money to the Black Lives Matter organization, and when ostracism, firing, and fake forced
apologies are demanded for or from people who deviate even slightly from the approved line, we are
told it is important to take a stand. It
probably is. The country is not falling apart, but there are bad things
I am opposed to BLM and think it is bad for the country. Its
stated basic premise is wrong. The fact
that the lives of black people matter is not controversial. Virtually everyone agrees that they do. The claim that their organization and its
actions are needed to drive that point home to the millions of simian white
dullards and bigots who think black lives do not matter is dangerously false as
a cynical political point and downright paranoid
in anyone who really believes it. The enemy they claim to be fighting does not
exist in any meaningful way.
That is not the only place in which BLM is careless with the truth. The police in this country are not running an
extermination operation against black men.
Some cops abuse their authority and commit crimes, but claims of that
being a general practice are contrary to the known facts and statistics. A cabal or conspiracy of cops did not kill
George Floyd. One man did.
Then there are the false charges of white privilege and
systemic racism. It is not 1920 in the Jim Crow south. The fact is that in law and government this country had had explicit black privilege
for a number of decades in the form of affirmative action quotas, lower
admission standards, set asides, and so on.
As to systemic racism, one has to wonder what system they have in mind. Most people working for a government , a corporation, or anywhere else in the public
eye for the last many years who may have had bigoted notions, must surely have known
that they voice or display them at their own peril. Racism and bigotry
aside, references to plain facts and
data contradicting politically correct assumptions can get a person in serious
trouble. Blacks are a protected group,
and that protection is enforced. There is a party line. Mild, totally non-bigoted
dissent from that party line can
lead to big trouble, as poor, weak Drew
Brees found out recently.
In many ways BLM is really just a leftist advocacy and agitprop group
masquerading as a civil rights organization and trying to create a sense of racial guilt
among white people - most of whom have nothing to feel guilty about - and then leverage that guilt for political
gain. It is a centuries old tactic, and
it has worked well at many times and in many places. If you can make a person
feel guilty and worthless, particularly if he has done nothing to be guilty for,
often you’ve got him. It is a vile
practice, which its targets should reject emphatically. It also makes up a big part of BLM’s whole act
and tactical agenda. People in BLM have allied
themselves with the fascist thugs of Antifa and
done little or nothing serious about opposing
the looters and arsonists or even separating themselves from them. They
are a bad bunch, and the corporate weasels who kowtow to them are being very short
sighted. Black lives matter, but BLM should
not. Black Americans deserve better. The country deserves better.
Labels: Black Lives Matter, politics
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