Big Lies, Here and There
A political big lie is first a lie told for political gain and second big - a statement that if true would have important consequences and implications for a society. It is usually also big in another way - that of being frequently and consistently repeated and claimed as fact by influential advocates and supporters of those telling it. Big lies may be completely unconnected to anything in reality or have a superficial and irrelevant connection to something true which may make them seem more believable.
The most recent political big lie is from the Republicans - Trump’s
claim that he won the election in a landslide, but the Democrats stole it from
him by changing millions of votes in voting machines, dumping hundreds of
thousands of fake ballots in close states, counting hundreds of thousands of
votes from dead people, illegal aliens, and non-residents, and other forms of
cheating. He has been saying it since the election without presenting any
evidence to back it up. He has been joined by some Republican politicians and a
high percentage of talk radio people and others in the conservative media. They
have not given people any evidence either. It is true that Democrats like to
cheat some in elections. It is a tradition with them. Robert Ingersoll was
warning about it not too long after the Civil War. That says nothing about whether they did cheat or even could have cheated in the ways Trump
has claimed and is no excuse for someone falling for Trump’s lie. People are right to see Trump’s behavior and
that of his supporters in media and politics as outrageous, dangerous, and
harmful to the country. According to polls millions of people who voted for
Trump believe it and thus have been led to conclude at least for a while that
the country’s politics are rigged and its government is illegitimate. Thousands
of people who believed it wasted their time and money coming to Washington on
January 6th to demonstrate their belief, and a couple of hundred or
so of them rioted and attacked the Capitol.
However Trump and company are not alone in their demagoguery.
Democrats have their own big lies. One is
the apocalyptic take on climate change –
the claim that unless Democrats are given vast new powers over people’s lives,
civilization and perhaps even human life will be destroyed by global warming in
three, five, or ten years. It is
preached continually by leftists, Democrats,
and their public relations people in the
traditional media. There is no evidence for it, and the dates from past similar
prophecies of climatic doom have passed unnoticed. It is true that the general climate has
gotten warmer over recent decades. It is also true that human produced carbon
dioxide in the air contributes to that. That
does nothing to validate self-serving scare stories about the coming end
of the world. This lie is outrageous, dangerous, and harmful to the country.
Millions of people are said to believe it, and many of them are going through
life worried and fearful, some enough to
be willing to accept any orders they might be given to save the planet and to
demand that their neighbors do the same.
Another notable big lie of the Democrats is the claim that
America is plagued by systematic anti-black racism. Even if one accepts that
they do not mean racism in the literals sense of a belief that members of some
racial groups are inherently superior or inferior to others solely because of
their membership in the group, but only
racial bigotry or prejudice, it is still a lie, and those saying it have no
evidence for it. (Some of them have more or less admitted this by resorting
to the easily refuted assertion that any
statistical difference in anything between racial groups is evidence for
racism.) The systems of government, colleges and universities, the traditional
media, and large corporations are slanted in favor of black people through
affirmative action quotas and set asides, lower admission standards,
“diversity” training and indoctrination,
and a tendency to view and report things from the viewpoint of political
correctness. Yet Democrats, leftists, and their friends in the traditional media
make the claim of systematic racism continually.
It is true that there are plenty of anti-black bigots out there, and that some
of them are cops who do bad things. It is surely true that the days of Jim Crow
were an inexcusable national disgrace. That does nothing to validate
assertions of present day systematic
racism. The lie is outrageous,
dangerous, and harmful to the country.
It increases hostility between racial groups, tells black people they
cannot succeed in the world without being lifted by the benevolent hand of
Democrat politicians, and tells white people they are worthless bigots, whether
they know it or not, in an attempt to make them easier to rule.
A willingness by large numbers of people to accept big lies
is a bad thing for a society, apart from the damage done by any particular big
lie. On the record of the success of the lies
mentioned above, there is plenty of that willingness in the country these days.
Labels: big lies, climate change, politics, sytematic racism, Trump
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