Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Why Make a Big Deal of It?

 Some people wonder why others are making a big deal of the things Trump's allies have been doing since December 14th after the legal challenges failed, and Biden was officially elected president. They point out correctly that none of it is going to change anything.  They say, also correctly, that  politicians in both parties routinely put on shows for their rubes of striving for outcomes they have no notion of (and often no interest in) achieving.  They see the actions  of some Republican politicians in the last three weeks as just another example of that, perhaps a  particularly outré example, but nothing to get worked up over.

They make good points, but they miss something important. The evidence is that  Trump is not just putting on a show for the rubes  but is actually scrambling for some illicit way to stay in power.  If he is in on the gag, he hasn’t shown it.  It is not enough that he will fail. People need to understand that he should fail. Americans need to repudiate the idea of what he is trying to do, and Republican politicians have a responsibility to help that happen.  They can play to the rubes later.

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