Thursday, December 03, 2020

Making Like Trump

 I have no use for Donald Trump. I am pleased that he lost the election. His  behavior since losing has been far worse than I would have guessed. It will be a good day for the republic when he finally is gone.

 However I also have no use for what various Twitterites,  traditional media types,  and writers at places such as the Bulwark are sayings about people who voted for him.  They claim  that the choice in the recent election was a simple one of good versus evil, and that those who voted for Trump sinned against morality and decency and should be treated  as unredeemed sinners at least until they repent and do penance.

There are good reasons why people might have supported Trump. The left wing of the Democrat party, which seemed to be in ascendency earlier in the year, wants to do some very bad things to this country. The so called center/left Dems are bad enough, and some  of Trump’s notions on policy are better than  or at least not as bad as theirs. It is not unreasonable  to have decided that Trump was the lesser evil in terms of policies and proposals and supported him for that reason, irrespective of his personality.  Of course some people went further and went for Trump enthusiastically.  Many of them were self-supporting, middle to low middle income, taxpaying, traditionally minded, often religious  people who were tired of their lives and beliefs being mocked, attacked, ridiculed, threatened, and belittled and saw Trump as someone who at least said he was on their side and said so vigorously.  One can’t blame them for that, though they should have found a better defender. They have valid reasons for being upset.

So I refuse to accept the notion that some of my friends and relatives or anyone else who voted for Trump is morally tainted for having done so. It is both nonsense and a little too medieval for me.  It is also ignorant, arrogant, pompous, rude, cruel, and unthinking – you know,  the sort of thing a guy like Trump would have come up with.

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