Please Think It Over and Stop
It is not really surprising that Trumpist lawyer Lin Wood is reported as calling for martial law to keep Trump in office, accusing the chief justice of being a murderer and child molester, and demanding the arrest and execution of the vice president. One can find a lawyer somewhere who will say just about anything one might imagine no matter how nasty or absurd. The surprising and unpleasant thing is that, based on a few searches on DuckDuckGo, there are people out there taking Wood seriously and liking what he is doing.The man may be nuts, using the Nazi and communist technique of the big lie, or both, but he has a following. So does Sidney Powell. So do General Flynn and a bunch of other so-called conservatives who are advocating or coming close to advocating the overthrow of the republic - to save Donald Trump for gosh sake.
The madness needs to stop.
The election is over. Biden won. A
belief in a conspiracy having stolen the
election from Trump would need an assumption that the conspirators were slick enough to bring
the thing off without leaving evidence anyone
can find of what they had done. It now
probably also would need to include the
entire Supreme Court, dozens of other judges, Bill Barr, Republican secretaries
of state and other election officials in several states, the FBI and homeland
security, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, several voting software and
hardware companies, people who did hand
recounts in various states, the
Republican governor of Georgia, and the Republican controlled legislatures in
several states among the conspirators or their fellow travelers and cowardly
enablers. That’s a hard sell.
Of course many people
still think the election was won
by Trump and stolen by Biden, millions of people according to polls. So given
that a person believes that, what should he do? By now he has only two main choices - realize
that his side failed to prove its case and accept the (to him) bogus results or
join those who seek to save Trump by at least partially overthrowing the
republic. The answer should be easy for
any patriotic conservative. He should
accept the results irrespective of whether he likes or trusts them. Preserving the republic and the constitution
is more important than whether Trump or Biden will be in the White House.
Trump’s attempts to get people to believe the election was
stolen and to fight the results in court
were foolish, wrongheaded, and disgraceful, but they were not an attack on the
republic. What has happened since
December 14th is. Any
politician or person in the media who has participated in that stuff has
behaved as an enemy of the republic. That will go double for participants in or
supporters of the clownish and doomed attempted coup planned for Wednesday in
the congress. It will be very difficult
to take those who are part of that
seriously as a patriots, believers in the rule of law, or supporters of the constitution
for a long while. It will be easy to laugh them off as silly scoundrels. They
will have deserved it. For their own good as well as the country’s, they should
think about that and change their plans. Trump will be gone soon and with him the short term political benefits of playing
along with him. The disgrace from going through with this thing would stay with
them much longer.
Labels: attemptd coup, Election, politics
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