Monday, June 03, 2024

Pride in June


The first week of June is a very important one in the history of the armed forces of the United States. Between June 4th and 6th,1942  an outnumbered and outgunned American naval force defeated the Japanese navy at Midway in the most decisive and historically important naval battle since Trafalgar, ending Japan’s offensive in the Pacific. On June 6th,1944, American forces landed in Normandy, securing their beachhead and beginning the great campaign leading to the destruction of Nazi Germany.

It’s a free country, and people can select what they want to be proud of and when they want to show their pride. For me this June, it will be the armed forces of the United States from the time of the revolution to the present. This year is the 80th anniversary of the invasion in Normandy. I have read that there are major commemorations every five years on June 6th , and that this year’s may be the last one with any veterans of the battle attending. We should honor and be proud of them and their valor especially.

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