Friday, July 22, 2022

Ducking the Question

 One indication that people know their arguments are weak is their repeatedly focusing on minor or irrelevant aspects of a subject while avoiding the essential ones. So Democrats, instead of admitting and defending the teaching of false history and anti-white bigotry and even racism in the public schools and the anti-everybody nonsense claiming that reason, objectivity, a can do attitude, and the scientific method are toxic characteristics of whiteness being pushed in “equity and inclusion” training sessions in governments and corporations, harp on an irrelevant point of nomenclature -arguing that critics are wrong to call this stuff critical race theory since, as a technical matter, that term is more appropriately applied to something else.

One sees the same thing with Trump’s defenders. They point out that the rioters from January 6th are being treated far more harshly than leftist rioters, and that the Democrats’ public relations people in the traditional media ignored or excused far worse rioting by leftists in 2020. They suggest that there were agents provocateur from the FBI in the crowd on January 6th. They point out that the notion of the guy in the buffalo horns overthrowing the government is farcical. They remind people that one thing in Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was improbable hearsay. They mention the many false claims and exaggerations about the riot in the traditional media, including allegations of murder.

What they do not do is deal with the essential points. Trump finally and officially lost the election beyond any fancied hopes of lawsuits or legal appeals on December 14th, 2020. From that point forward he planned and attempted to remain in power illegally and unconstitutionally. The rally and riot on January 6th were part of those plans. There is no other plausible explanation for having a rally at that place on that day. He fired up the mob and sent it to the Capitol for a purpose – doing something to “stop the steal”. He clearly attempted a coup d’etat when he ordered Pence to overturn the election.

People denying this should give reasons for their denial. People defending Trump without denying it should explain how they excuse what he did and still claim to believe in the Constitution. I have not seen any of his followers or public relations people in the conservative media taking a shot at either.

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