Trump and the Christian Conservatives
As the saying goes, some of my best friends are Christian conservatives. Many Christians are frustrated by present trends and conditions in the country. While fully politically free to express, promote, and follow their beliefs, they reasonably resent the intense social and sometimes economic pressure to keep quiet and conform to customs and notions dictated by others. They oppose mores that call harsh criticism of other religions unacceptable while declaring open season on theirs. They do not like government schools attempting to indoctrinate their children in beliefs they reject. They see a society that to them has gone from requiring their toleration of practices and beliefs they oppose to demanding their approval of them. Many of them are worried that their children or grandchildren will have to grow up and live in an environment hostile to the things they believe in. They have wanted someone to take them seriously and stand up for them, and many of them supported Trump in 2016 and 2020 as a person who at least said he did and would.
Well I have some unsolicited advice for them about Donald Trump: don’t get fooled again. In the weeks after the election in 2020, Trump showed what he was in ways too clear to miss easily. Christian conservatives should realize that Trump is neither a protector nor an ideological ally and move on from the scoundrel to others more nearly deserving of their trust and support. He played them and is still playing them. I know next to nothing about the Faith and Freedom Coalition, but if its members are serious about the freedom part of their name, they have no business promoting someone such as Donald Trump. Conservatives usually believe fidelity to the constitution is crucial to preserving freedom in this country. From at least December 14th of 2020 on through January 6th, Trump made an unconstitutional attempt to remain in power by a coup d’etat. In doing so he disqualified himself from consideration for any political office and from being taken seriously as a spokesman for the values of conservative Christians or anyone else who believes in the republic. The faith and freedom folks should act accordingly.
Labels: Conservatives, politics, Trump
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