Friday, May 20, 2022

Learning Not to Care


That was the end, from then onward I no longer cared whether Hitler’s allies called me a counter-revolutionary.” -

Arthur Koestler on his reaction to the Nazi-Soviet pact

Publish and be damned.” -

-attributed to the Duke of Wellington in response to threats from blackmailers

Everyone with knowledge of biology and evolution knows that among humans there are two sexes, male and female, determined genetically, and that, while people can present themselves as and alter themselves in various ways to more nearly resemble persons of the opposite sex, they cannot actually become persons of the opposite sex. Yet people who surely know better meekly accept or at least pay lip service to the idea that in our species only a male is anyone who claims to be a male, and a female is anyone who claims to be a female. Competent business executive know that punctuality, willingness to work, a desire to achieve, can-do attitudes, and the ability to plan a series of steps to take over time to achieve a goal are useful and desirable traits for their colleagues to have. Yet many executives pay their organization’s money to bigoted leftist consultants to teach employees that these things are oppressive aspects of racial “whiteness” and to be avoided. Competent engineers and scientists knows that reason, objectivity, and a focus of evidence are essential to their profession. Yet managers at national laboratories pay bigoted leftist consultants to tell employees that these things are just more superfluous, oppressive whiteness that people working with nuclear weapons will be better off doing without.

One has to ask why they do it. I think a good guess in many cases is fear – fear of being attacked on social media or being called a racist or becoming a target of protests or government regulators - leading to a cowardly attempt to buy off the leftist fanatics. If so, it is a very unseemly fear. We are not in the Soviet Union or Medieval Europe. No one is able to threaten heretics and dissenters with torture and murder.

The scientific truth is that genes determine one’s sex. Stating the biological truth is important now for at least a couple of reasons. As a matter of principle, it is a good thing to hold out that two plus two is four when people are demanding you believe it is five. In addition, if one’s sex is a matter of choice, then the laws and mores benefiting and protecting women - from the fairly unimportant such as separate female only sports teams to the very important such as the customs and attitudes embodied in the notion of women and children first - become unjustifiable.

The simple fact is that willingness to work, a desire to achieve, the ability to plan for the future, rationality, objectivity, and focusing on evidence are neither oppressive nor characteristics of whiteness, but rather good and beneficial attitudes and traits for human beings. To say that convincing white people to feel guilty for them and convincing non-white people to believe they are not for them are harmful to both is an understatement. It is crippling.

It is surely time for people to no longer care whether Chairman Xi’s ideological allies call them racists and to tell any would-be enforcers of conformity on social media to tweet, bleat, and be damned. They owe it to themselves, their country, and their fellow citizens to overcome their fear and tell the truth.

These are only two examples of false beliefs people are been pressured to accept. There are plenty more out there and by no means only on the left. But this is a place to start. If a person tells the truth while facing pressure not to a few times, it might become a habit.

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