Sunday, October 13, 2019

Okay Here

Years ago when my daughter was attending the government schools in our town, some particularly obtuse bureaucrats from the school district sent parents a list of  banned symbols that kids could not display on themselves or their clothing at school.  They were supposed to be logos of gangs or cultists  or  something the  officials  at the central office were against.  I don’t remember exactly what. I do remember that one of the symbols was the Star of David. Some of us thought that was a little odd even for  educators and raised a stink about it.  It has been a while, but I think the result was that the list got revised.

I thought about that recently in light of a present day controversy.  In the United States the gesture of making a circle with the thumb and index finger and holding up the other three fingers means “okay” and has meant that for decades, as sensible and informed people know. Now however we hear the thought police of political correctness  are demanding that it be prohibited because some insignificant – numerically and otherwise – losers are said to use the same gesture to signify support for “white supremacy”.

I do not know if that is true, but I do know it does not matter, any more than if those numbskull school administrators of long ago had been able to point to a gang or cult that badged itself with a six pointed star. The assertion is absurd,  and we have had too much of this bullying absurdity from the left. People need to stand up to it in small matters as well as large. The proper response here is laugh the lefties off rudely and reject the demand cheerfully but forcefully. A less proper but still acceptable response  would be to retort with  another well-known and nearly universally understood hand gesture.

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