Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Unpopular Maybe, But Lucky

One of the things about Trump that many people in the traditional media do not understand is that he probably  does not have to score very well in “approval rating” polls to be reelected.  The reason for this is simple. He likely will benefit more than is usual by being seen as the less bad of two poor choices.

There are many people who do not approve of  the man as a person because of his arrogant, blustering, rude, dishonest, demagogic, and grossly un-presidential behavior, but  will vote for him in a race against a leftist Democrat.  (A poll taken after the election in 2016 attributed Trump’s victory to his doing better than Hillary Clinton among voters who disliked both of them.) I did not vote for Trump in 2016, but I would have if Texas had been in play. Since it wasn’t, I cast a protest vote for Gary Johnson.   If Texas is in play  2020, I will vote for Trump  against any of the candidates now running as Democrats. Their policies, plans, and “aspirations” are so bad and dangerous as to make such a decision easy. However I don’t like it, and I do not think I am alone.

 If the Dems could come up with a Jack Kennedy or even a Jim Webb as a nominee,  I  think many people who usually vote for the Republicans would be ready to vote for him against  Trump.  However that is so unlikely as to be nearly impossible.  Trump was lucky in his opponent in 2016 and seems on track to be even luckier in 2020. Considering both his base of those who are his fans and  the many others who are not but will vote for him as the lesser evil, he looks pretty salty.

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