Thursday, July 18, 2019

Omar and Exile

On the evidence Ilhan Omar is a vicious, mendacious, vulgar, bigoted,  America hating  leftist authoritarian  and fool who fully the deserves the contempt in which people hold her. She is also an American citizen with the same rights as any other -  including the right have whatever opinions she likes. This is still a free enough country that Americans do not have to worry about being exiled for their beliefs.   Chanting “throw her out” is not merely crude or stupid. It is deeply un-American. 

It was wrong for Trump to tweet about her going back to where she came from since she does not like it here, but that was only bad manners and another example of Trump’s difficulty with propriety and  self-control.  He did not bring up exile. Some of his followers have. That is disturbing. It is also ironic, since most of the people who did it probably also would say there is a profound difference in terms of having a right to be in this country between American citizens and illegal aliens.  They should think about  the question of consistency there. They should also be ashamed.

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