Tuesday, January 21, 2020

UFO Stories

UFOs are back in the news lately.  It started with  the release of stories  about  and what is said to be a video of encounters between American naval jets and unidentified flying objects in 2014 and 2015. Then people got more interested when the government put out a statement  announcing that saying  more about the events would be a grave threat to national security. 

Here is my guess, and it is purely that - a guess.  I do not think we have  Russian or Chinese secret weapons. It is unlikely that anyone on earth could have developed technology to produce a craft capable of doing what the stories said the UFOs did.  Besides  if the Russians or Chinese had  aircraft  that could do those things, they probably would have used them or at least brandished them by now, because such weapons would have drastically changed the balance of power in their favor.

I also do not think there are  visitors from outer space. If there were, and if the government wanted to keep that fact a secret, it seems to me that the last thing it would have done is talk about grave threats to national security. That would have been like telling the public  in 1944 that we’ve got  something really big going on at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos, but we can’t say what because it’s too big. Instead we should have gotten stories about the video being phony or doctored, the radar malfunctioning,  the pilots making bad or inept identifications, and so on.

The way the whole thing has played out  seems fishy to me.  The armed forces always have secrets to protect and needs to confuse and mislead hostile or potentially hostile powers. My guess is that  people in the defense department  are running  this as disinformation for some reason of  their own having to do with some purpose of theirs and  nothing to do with foreign super weapons or space aliens. 

What’s yours?



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