Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We Don't Have to Know

Several conservatives have charged that Barack Obama is not merely incompetent and wrongheaded, but rather is actually trying to weaken and damage the United States while consolidating a fascist-corporate power structure in the country. A new movie makes that case in some detail. I do not know if they are right. (My opinion is that he is a committed statist and, whether or not he is anti-American by conscious conviction, he  almost certainly is so by deep emotional inclination.)

There is of course an important sense in which it does not matter if they are right. The man is president of the United States. Citizens and investors need to be able to make at least educated guesses about his future actions and plans. For that it is not necessary to know his motivation. For the purpose of predicting his behavior, it is enough to notice that he consistently and even systematically acts as though the charges were accurate, and he were a power grabbing anti-American   wanting to weaken the United States, ruin many of its industries (energy, farming, and ranching for starters),  punish prosperous non-lawyers for the sin of prosperity, dictate approved lifestyles, create a corporate /nanny state, and restrict or destroy the ways of life of millions of  Americans.  

It is also enough for everyone who loves this country to see clearly how important the coming election is.  

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