Monday, December 13, 2021

Creating an Incentive

 With their attacks on “whiteness” , their advocacy of critical race theory and (in the schools) critical race theory that dares not speak its name, and their contempt for notions of color blind interactions among people, “antiracist”  leftists  have lied outrageously, ignored the fact that people’s  character and qualities are individual characteristics not determined by their race, and rejected the liberal principle that judging, condemning, or punishing a person because of his race is wrong. They should stop. Their premises and claims are false, and their doctrines are ethically reprehensible.  

They do not seem to be people who care much about truth or are likely to be influenced by ethical arguments. But they might do well to consider a pragmatic one. If this becomes a country where their premises and conclusions are accepted, then people in every group would have a strong incentive to make sure those representing and favoring their race are the ones in power judging, rewarding, and punishing.  People respond to incentives. 

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