Monday, September 24, 2018

Getting Less Trigger Happy

In the last few years there have been  a number of stories of policemen shooting people who did not need to be shot. The shootings  have ranged from panicky overreactions to criminally negligent mistakes to murders.  In some cases  officers have fired as many as fifteen rounds at unarmed suspects.  Training cops better and holding them responsible for their actions  in the same way a civilian would be held responsible for his are obvious things which could help make bad shootings  less likely.  So, I think, would changing the way policemen are armed. I would like to see police give up their large magazine semiautomatics and go back to revolvers. With a fifteen round magazine  in a semiautomatic, there can be a tendency to bang away as fast as one can pull the trigger without much thought.  Target shooters talk about seeing people  going trigger happy with  semiautomatic pistols (or rifles) at public shooting ranges.  With a six shot wheel gun, particularly one  fired single action to increase accuracy, there can be a tendency to think and aim before shooting and between shots. Revolvers are perfectly adequate sidearms that served police well for many years. For those who accept the claims that the .38 special round is not powerful enough for police work,  there are  the .357  and  .44 magnums which surely have adequate stopping power. Making this change seems a minor thing, but it would not hurt and could help some.

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