An Easy Solution
People on some campuses and a few other places have demanded
replacing standard male and female English pronouns with a “gender neutral”
substitute, often suggesting “ze” or “xe” as a replacement. Others have found such monkeying with the language
silly, offensive, or even subversive.
However there is a simple solution which should please all parties. The English language already has a well
established and perfectly good gender
neutral pronoun, the word “it”. Any man or woman who does not want to be
referred to as a “he” or a “she” simply could announce that henceforth he or
she wants to be spoken and written of as an “it”.
That would achieve neutrality, and
the critics of this stuff likely would go along with such requests
happily. None of this should be conflated in any way with Cousin Itt who is something else altogether.
Labels: gender issues language, politics
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