Why Do They Bother?
I recently stumbled across an article on the internet
presenting a new – at least to me – fallback position of the creationists of
the sort who like to be called “creation scientists” in their attacks on evolution.
It consists of grudgingly accepting the
evidence us of evolutionary change on short time scales within species
(sometimes called microevolution) while rejecting the notion of evolutionary
change on longer time scales producing new species (sometimes called
macroevolution). The article supported
the assertion with a vigorous claim that neither laboratory observations nor fossil
records provide evidence of intermediate
stages between species, and thus macroevolution is only a shaky hypothesis and wishful thinking.
I found this interesting, not because of the claims, which are specious, but because I wondered why
the people bother to make them at all
when I can see no gain for them in it. Imagine
for a moment that their objections are valid, and that the data provide insufficient
evidence to support the present notions of mechanisms for macroevolution. It wouldn’t do them any
real good.
After all the same data, which by their using it to make
their point they can be presumed to take as valid, show clearly that the Biblical version of the origin of
the species is false. That leaves the creationists who accept the data in the
difficult position of explaining why a god who must be presumed to know how he
created the species decided to give his chosen people a false account of the
way it happened. While that might be capable
of being finessed in some way, but there is a more serious difficulty. All that a rejection of currently understood mechanisms
of macroevolution would mean is that
something else goes on in the process of originating new species which we haven’t found out about. It
would not change the evidence otherwise, and it in no way would require the intervention of gods of any
sort, much less the particular god the creationists have in mind. They still would
have no evidence for their “science”.
That’s why I wonder why they bother. They probably would be
better off emotionally in some ways to throw in with fundamentalists and simply say the Biblical version of things is correct,
and evidence be hanged. Of course there is the hypothesis that that is what
they are really doing anyway at some level, and all the so-called creation
science talk is just a smokescreen.
Labels: Creation Science, Evolution