Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good Fun and a Timely Lesson

It has recently come out that years ago when Barack Obama was an aspiring author, his literary agent produced a promotional thumbnail biography listing him as having been born in Kenya. This  is interesting and amusing in several ways. In the first place there is the delightful irony that the first birther was apparently Barack Obama himself. It’s hard to improve on that. That’s just good stuff. Beyond that it provides more evidence that this man, who was recently caught lying (or composite-ing) in his autobiography, is willing to play free and loose with the facts of his background, altering them at will as opportunities and exigencies dictate. It should reinforce skepticism among the public about his general trustworthiness and character. After all, before long we may find him claiming to have been  found as an infant among the bulrushes by a king’s daughter or perhaps to have killed him a bear when he was only three and composed his first symphony at about the same age.  

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